Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Salaulim dam will astound you by its stunning view and construction which looks more or less like a Hollywood movie set. This dam is as marvelous as a 3-D design picture. Spread over a region of 24 square kilometers, this dam pours down its water into an arch-shaped well. The water that drops down to a depth of 50 feet than falls into another deep pit which is 100f eet deep. The force of the water falling into the deep hole creates a misty atmosphere which makes the spot a spectacular sight. Salaulim dam is partly an earth-dam. This place is so picturesque that any picture taken from any angle looks stunning. It is a photographer’s paradise. The main attraction is definitely the sight of the water falling from the arch-shaped groove causing the water that falls into the well go up like a fog and then fall down like rain. It is difficult to reach the dam site without a private vehicle.  This amazing place is 30km away from the South Goa Madgaon railway station.