Monday, June 19, 2017

Living root bridges are built by growing the roots of a tree on the banks of a river across the other bank taking many years to form a bridge like structure. The tribal people of Meghalaya, the Khasis were experts in building such bridges by growing the roots of the huge trees on the river bank to the opposite bank. It takes almost 20 years to help the trees grow their roots across the river and make it a strong living root bridge. Small stones and rocks are placed between the roots to make it extra-ordinarily strong. Some of the ancient root bridges used daily by the people of the villages around Cherrapunji may be well over 300 years old. Some of these bridges are strong enough to carry 50 people at a time. Cherrapunji’s criss-crossed swift-slowing rivers and mountain streams makes it difficult to use boats or built bridges across them. This may have been the reason why the tribal opted for such innovative bridges. One has to travel for hours through the dense forest climbing down steep steps to see these amazing bridges. The living root bridge across the waterfall is an example for the exemplary skills of the Khasi people. The bridge presents a spectacular sight to the viewers