Monday, June 5, 2017

Norway is different from the rest of the European countries. The local currency is not Euro but Norwegian krone. This country is famous for its breath-taking beauty with its magnificent mountains, spectacular glaciers and stunning lakes known as fjords. The extreme weather and the hardworking people define Norway. Norway is also known as the land of the midnight Sun. The population is comparatively low here. So those who are thinking of a trip to Norway need to have a detailed plan. The living cost in Norway is very high. A trip from India or other developing country to Norway alone is going to very expensive. The road, rail and air transport services are a big factor in favour of Norway. European debit/credit cards are accepted but always carry some cash with you.  A stay at a hotel is very expensive. It might cost more than 800 NOK. Summer rates are higher than this. Other than hotels, the tourists can stay at hostels but these hostels are also cheap. Public camping is very popular here. Only thing is you have to carry a tent with you. Back-packing during summer is a good option. Food is also expensive in Norway. The travelers can opt for public transport to lower the expenditure. For this, you have to buy combined tickets or passes. Ferry service is common here in Norway. Road journey will cost more as there are toll collections everywhere. But these are automatic and operated using a chip attached to the car.