Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Mandalpatti hills are located at a distance of about 35 km from Madikeri town in Coorg. There are two routes from Madikeri to reach here - the Abbey Falls junction (18km) and via Makkanduru-Hattihole (35km). Those who have their own vehicles can try the first route, view the Abbey Falls before reaching Mandalpatti and then come back through the other route.  Though the second route takes more time, the Kote Abbe Falls is situated on this way. More over journey through this road is highly enjoyable with the presence of many tiny waterfalls and beautiful tea plantations.
Accommodation is available at the Madikeri town. It costs about Rs.4000 to go by jeep to Abbey Falls and then Mandalpatti. The charge for a jeep ride from Abbey Falls to Mandalpatti is Rs.1500. In case you hire a jeep from the off-road to the view point which lies 4km away from Mandalpatti , the return fare is Rs.1000 for 1 hour. Private vehicles are allowed if they pay Rs.25 but it is risky to drive this road going uphill. The road is not suitable for vehicles like cars. The stunning sight of lush green trees adorning the hills far away and the snow are the major attractions at the view-point. On the left side of the hill you can see Doddabetta and Uppangala Betta. On the right side, there is Katthipaure, behind it the Kukke Subramannya Temple and Hammiyala Betta next to it. Down below lies the Sunnade Gund. Except the temple, all others are hill ranges, lying close to Mandalpatti hills.  Food and drinks are unavailable here. Another important thing to note is that this place is a plastic banned area. So, try not to bring plastic bottles or cans while visiting Mandalpatti. Do not litter the place. The best season to visit Mandalpatti is between rainy season and summer. The visiting time is from 6am to 6pm.