Thursday, June 15, 2017

Savandurga hill is one of the largest monolithic hills in the world. This massive rock hill lies 1226m above sea-level in Karnataka. It comprises of a single rock and is one of the best trekking spots in Karnataka. This amazing place lies just 42km away Bengaluru. Sometime an entry fee of Rs.20 must be paid for trekking. If you an adventurous person, then Savandurga is the ideal spot for you. One need to be very careful while trekking here since they will have to climb a steep hill for almost two hours. It is a dry region with a plain rock with not even a single shrub to hold on while climbing. Early morning is the ideal time to begin trekking. Once the sun’s rays are up, it will be difficult to continue trekking.
Savandurga is not an ideal place for a family picnic since there are 60 degree slopes literally everywhere. Plan to start trekking as early as 4am so that you reach the top by 5.45-6am. The view from the top of the rock is sensational and the feel is something which cannot be explained in words. Usually the regular hills have a slope from the top. But Savandurga is an exception. One can view the land straight below from the top. It is dangerous to climb the hill during rainy season because the rocks become slippery and there is a high chance for an accident. Take necessary steps while planning the trekking. Carry of plenty of water and fruits to eat. Use trekking shoes. Using regular slippers is not advisable. Those who have respiratory problems like Asthma need to be extra careful. In spite of all these, trekking Savandurga hills will be one of your unforgettable experiences.
15 Jun 2017